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Triphala Capsule

SKU: Triphala Capsule

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Quick Overview

The word Triphala is formed by combining two Sanskrit words. Tri means three and phala means fruits.



The word Triphala is formed by combining two Sanskrit words. Tri means three and phala means fruits. Triphala, is an Ayurveda herbal rasayana formula consisting of equal parts of three myrobalans: Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula).Triphala is the most highly revered and longest-used herbal formulas on the planet, is considered essential for promoting gastrointestinal health from an Ayurveda perspective.

This herbal compound formulation provides overall support digestive system and helps ensure that the digestive tract works at optimal levels. Without disrupting the fluid-electrolyte balance in the body, It relieves constipation and regularizes the digestive system.

It has been in continuous use for more than 1000 years, as recorded in the early writings of the renowned Ayurvedic physician Charak in his Charak Samhita, the most important foundational text of Ayurvedic medicine.

Active contents:

Phytochemical analysis showed that Triphala is rich in phenols/polyphenols and tannins, while flavonoids are found to be absent. HPLC analysis showed that triphala contains gallic acid.

Herb actions:

Digestion: Triphala improves the overall digestion of the body .This mixture encourages balanced, full elimination, by pulling stagnated ‘Aama’ or toxic residue from the digestive tract and increasing the colon’s absorption functions. Triphala promotes digestive regularity especially for those who suffer from irregular elimination and other forms of bowel disease. Triphala improves digestion, cleanses and tones the gastrointestinal tract, corrects constipation by its effective laxative action.

Other benefits:  It is Full of antioxidant properties, thus makes the immune system strong. It Improves blood circulation by strengthening flavonoids and increasing capillary cardio tonic movements. It activates and potentiates adrenergic function that helps the body to recover from stress. Triphala helps in regulating blood pressure and acts as a heart-protective and cardiac-tonic medicine. Helps in reducing serum cholesterol of the body. It Improves liver functioning thereby protecting it from damages. Triphala contain vitamin-C and quercetin, it is anti-inflammatory in nature.Triphala is enriched with anti-bacterial properties thus provides protection against unknown bacterial infections.

Indications: Constipation, Dyspepsia, as a general health supplement.

Contraindication:  None

Dose: 1 Capsule two to three times a day or as advised by the Physician.

Composition: Each capsule contains 400 mg standardized extract of Triphala.

Reference :

  1. Current science volume 90 issue no 8 25th April 2006.


Customer Reviews

Good Review by John B
Had a great deal of relief from this on my gas bloat. I was floating in midair like a helium
balloon. Now I can walk on the street. Also, I'm happy not to need to take laxatives. (Posted on 10/31/2019)

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